Drama Thriller
1964, in a Latin American country, a journalist is head of an armed liberation movement that decides to initiate radical actions. His second in command, a farmer, and the other members of the group will kidnap a north american colonel stationed in Venezuela to force his government to suspend the execution of the vietnamese Nguyen Van Troi, accused of trying to assassinate the American Secretary of Defense, Robert McNamara.
Directed by
Mauricio Walerstein
Julio Mota
Claudio Brook
Colonel Robert Ernest Whitney
Asdrúbal Meléndez
Miguelangel Landa
Juan Carlos
Orlando Urdaneta
Miguel Ángel Rivas
Eva Mondolfi
Pedro Laya
Rafael Briceño
Lucio Bueno
Perla Vonasek
Oscar Mendoza
María Eugenia Domínguez

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