Drama Romance
A bored lawyer and a suffragette vie for the attention of a faith healer's charismatic daughter.
Directed by
James Ivory
Wallace Shawn
Mr. Pardon
Christopher Reeve
Basil Ransome
Vanessa Redgrave
Olive Chancellor
Linda Hunt
Dr. Prance
Jessica Tandy
Miss Birdseye
Wesley Addy
Dr. Tarrant
Charles McCaughan
Music Hall Policeman
Nancy Marchand
Mrs. Burrage
Barbara Bryne
Mrs. Tarrant
Madeleine Potter
Verena Tarrant
Jon Van Ness
Henry Burrage
Nancy New
Peter Bogyo
Mr. Gracie
Martha Farrar
Mrs. Farrinder
Dusty Maxwell
Newton Tarrant
J. Lee Morgan
Music Hall Official
De French
June Mitchell
Lee H. Doyle
Mr. Filer
Janet Cicchese
Irish Washerwoman
Scott Kradolfer
Tough Boy
Jane Manners
David Beyer
James Huston
Timothy J. Richard
Delivery Boy

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