Animation Comedy
It begins with a warning. It is said that the episode contains scenes that may offend viewers. It is also said that most viewers may experience nagging backache, rapid heartbeat, post-nasal drip and delerium, swelling of the nose, throat, and abdomen and loss of facial hair. Repeated viewing of the episode will result in the loss of one's bodily functions, redistribution of facial features, and a difficulty in forming simple sentences. The announcer concludes the warning by saying that you should definitely watch this episode if you really want to have a career as a lawn ornament. After the roll call(which curiously excludes Bash Brain), Bash Brain appears and says that he's never seen anything so awful in his life. He then reminisces about some time in a hosptial.
Directed by
Laura Shepherd
Written by
Heather MacGillvray, John de Klein
Dan Hennessey
Slobulus / Announcer (voice)
John Stocker
Skull Face / Aargh (voice)
Taborah Johnson
Freakella (voice)
Geoffrey Bowes
Screamin' Meemie (voice)
Jeri Craden
Dusty (Voice)
Keith Hampshire
Hornhead / British Narrator (voice)

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