Drama Horror Romance
Newlyweds Shane and June arrive in Paris for their honeymoon. In the process of trying to find a cure for his strange, bloodthirsty disease, Shane stumbles upon the story of a doctor and his flesh eating wife.
Directed by
Claire Denis
Written by
Claire Denis, Jean-Pol Fargeau
Vincent Gallo
Dr. Shane Brown
Béatrice Dalle
José Garcia
Dr. Choart
Tricia Vessey
June Brown
Nicolas Duvauchelle
Aurore Clément
Alex Descas
Dr. Léo
Florence Loiret Caille
Alice Houri
Girl of the Meter
Marilú Marini
Hélène Lapiower
Arnaud Churin
The Road
Raphaël Neal
Céline Samie
Woman of the Brewery
Lionel Goldstein
Bakary Sangaré
Night Watchman
Slimane Brahimi
Christelle's Friend
Véra Chidyvar
Woman of the Metro
Csilla Lukacs-Molnar
Maid #1
Nelly Zargarian
Maid #2
Rosa Nikolic
Maid #3
Lacrita Massix
Hostess of the Air
Myriam Theodoresco
The Lovers
Alexandre Uzureau de Martynoff
The Lovers
Laure Guérard
Woman with High Heels
Albert Szpiro
Patient of the Dispensary
Jean-Christophe Winding

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