Comedy Horror Thriller
On a quiet suburban street tucked within a 'safe neighborhood', a babysitter must defend a twelve-year-old boy from strangers breaking into the house, only to discover that this is far from a normal home invasion.
Directed by
Chris Peckover
Virginia Madsen
Deandra Lerner
Patrick Warburton
Robert Lerner
Dacre Montgomery
Levi Miller
Aleks Mikic
Ed Oxenbould
Olivia DeJonge
Brendan Clearkin
Christmas Caroler
Tara Jade Borg
Christmas Caroler
Alexandra Matusko
Scary Movie Girl
Georgia Holland
Scary Movie Girl
Beau Andre
The Mangler
Michi Fifer
Christmas Caroler
Tricia Mary Hennessy
Christmas Caroler
Mary Clearkin
Christmas Caroler
Hugo Monotti
Christmas Caroler
Mark Dawson

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