Comedy Music Romance
A series of misunderstandings leads to a chorus girl traveling to Paris to represent the American theater, where she falls in love with a befuddled bureaucrat.
Directed by
David Butler
Written by
Jack Rose, Melville Shavelson
Ray Bolger
Sam Winthrop Putnam
Paul Harvey
Secretary Robert Sherman
Claude Dauphin
Philippe Fouquet
Doris Day
Ethel S. 'Dynamite' Jackson
Nestor Paiva
Eugene Borden
John Alvin
Maurice Marsac
George Givot
Donald Kerr
Eve Miller
Marcia Sherman
Jean De Briac
Herbert Farjeon
Joshua Stevens
Wilson Millar
Sinclair Wilson
Raymond Largay
Joseph Welmar
Jack Lomas
Cab Driver
Dee Carroll
Mildred Carroll
Stuart Hall
Theatre Patron (uncredited)
Veronica Pataky
Joe Ploski

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