Romance Comedy
Three days into his Miami honeymoon with needy and unsophisticated Lila, Lenny meets tall, blonde Kelly. This confirms his fear that he has made a serious mistake and he decides he wants to be with Kelly instead.
Directed by
Elaine May
Cybill Shepherd
Kelly Corcoran
Doris Roberts
Mrs. Cantrow
Audra Lindley
Mrs. Corcoran
Charles Grodin
Lenny Cantrow
Eddie Albert
Duane Corcoran
William Prince
Colorado Man
Art Metrano
Jeannie Berlin
Lila Kolodny
Augusta Dabney
Colorado Woman
Mitchell Jason
Cousin Ralph
Jack Hausman
Mr. Kolodny
Tim Browne
Kelly's Boyfriend
Jean Scoppa
Flower Girl
Joel Thingvall
College Student (uncredited)

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