Drama Action War
During WWII, Duke E. Gifford is second in command of the USS Thunderfish, a submarine which is firing off torpedoes that either explode too early or never explode at all. It's a dilemma that he'll eventually take up personally. Even more personal is his quest to win back his ex-wife, a nurse; but he'll have to win her back from a navy flier who also happens to be his commander's little brother.
Directed by
George Waggner
John Wayne
Duke E. Gifford
Martin Milner
Carleton Young
Pilot Briefing Officers on Carrier (uncredited)
James Flavin
SP Commander
William Campbell
Milburn Stone
Ground Control Officer (uncredited)
Ward Bond
John "Pop" Perry
Paul Picerni
Patricia Neal
Mary Stuart
Bess Flowers
Nightclub Patron (uncredited)
Philip Carey
Bob Perry
Kathryn Givney
John Baer
Fighter Pilot (uncredited)
Jack Pennick
Virginia Brissac
Sister Anna
Scott Forbes
Sam Edwards
Lewis Martin
Squad Commander
Gail Davis
Nurse (uncredited)
Louis Mosconi
Radarman Mosconi
Gayle Kellogg
Crewman (uncredited)

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