Drama Action Adventure
Lord Taro must deliver a money chest but is robbed by brigands led by Jibu. One of Jibu's men, Rokuro, steals the money from Jibu, but after meeting and befriending Taro, Rokuro decides to return the money to Taro. But Taro's unscrupulous brother Jiro falsely accuse Taro of the theft, and Taro reactively joins the outlaw band and encourages them to steal from the nobles and give to the poor.
Directed by
Toshio Sugie
Written by
Akira Kurosawa
Toshirō Mifune
Rokuro Kai
Minoru Chiaki
Koji Tsuruta
Taro Toki
Akihiko Hirata
Jiro Hidekuni
Takashi Shimura
Saemon Toki
Yōko Tsukasa
Tadao Nakamaru
Sachio Sakai
Seizaburō Kawazu
Hyoe Yamana
Yoshifumi Tajima
Jiro's Vassal
Ren Yamamoto
Yoshio Kosugi
Kenzō Tabu
Haruo Nakajima
Akira Tani
Shin Ōtomo
Misa Uehara
Princess Koyuki

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