Action Fantasy
During the reign of King Zhou, an official enters his bedchamber, and is devoured by the monstrous tails of Daji, his concubine. Outside their city, several warriors within a metal wagon discuss their strategies to free the Invisible People and their Chief, when Jiang Ziya appears to them. He tells them that when King Zhou was younger, he let himself become possessed by the Black Dragon for his quest for power.
Directed by
Koan Hui On
Fan Bingbing
Jet Li
Jiang Ziya
Blue Butterfly
Louis Koo
General Leopard (Mahamayuri)
Charles Heung Wah-Keung
Huang Xiaoming
Yang Jian
Andy On
Ji Fa
Xu Qing
Tony Leung Ka-fai
King Zhou of Shang
Wen Zhang
Naza the Warrior
Jacky Heung
Ji Lei (Skylord)
Waise Lee Chi-Hung
Dragon King
Jordan Chan
Invisible Tribe Leader
Zu Feng
General Ji
Wang Zhipeng
Ji Clan Warriors
Qin Pengfei
He Jude
Earth Driller

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