Adventure Animation Comedy Family Fantasy
Cowboy and Indian's only wish was to come up with a brilliant idea for Mr Horse's birthday, but when their plan ends up in utter disaster, they'll need to travel the world and back to make things right again.
Directed by
Vincent Patar, Stéphane Aubier
Written by
Guillaume Malandrin, Vincent Patar, Vincent Tavier, Stéphane Aubier
Benoît Poelvoorde
Steven (voice)
Jeanne Balibar
Madame Longrée (voice)
Bouli Lanners
Facteur / Simon / Vache (voice)
François Neycken
Cochon (voice)
Guillaume Garidel
Mathias Malzieu
Élisabet Maistre
Stéphan Bertholio
Alexandre von Sivers
le scientifique 2 (voice)
Nicolas Buysse
Mouton / Jean-Paul (voice)
Frédéric Jannin
Gendarme / Gérard / le livreur de briques (voice)
François De Brigode
le journaliste sportif (voice)
Bruce Ellison
Indien (voice)
Eric Serra-Tosio
Véronique Dumont
Janine (voice)
Christine Grulois
Vache / l'étudiant (voice)
Christelle Mahy
Poulet (voice)
Eric Muller
Rocky Gaufres / l'étudiant de chorale (voice)
le rire de Michel (voice)
David Ricci
Singe / Michel (voice)

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