Comedy Fantasy
An angry internet atheist has a near death experience and must deliver the news of Jesus to his devout internet followers.
Directed by
Ryan Mitchelle
Written by
Brad Jones
Doug Walker
Samuel Tobinski / Kendrick Tobinski
Robbie Rist
Brad Jones
Willy Whitehead
Malcolm Ray
The Devil
Tamara Lynn Chambers
Rob Walker
Santa Christ
Allison Pregler
Elizabeth Howard Grace
David Gobble
Rick Whitehead
Fard Muhammad
Brian Lewis
Burton Burpo
Zachary La Voy
Ranger Buckman
Sarah Gobble
Aidan Bart
Young Rick
Nash Bozard
Flynn Hanners
Father Jenkins
Jillian Zurawski
Rick's Mom
Ed Smith
Praying Man
Christopher Proffitt
Trevor Ollech
Ned and Stacey
Brian Irving
Internet Neckbeard
Sean Wilburn
TV Cameraman
Joe Means
Heaven's Stage Manager
Allison Means
Tia Spencer
Maid of Honor
Scott Spencer
Christopher Hitchens (voice)
Rob Sheehan
Internet Commentor 1
Cory Lyle Vinderslev
Internet Commenter 2
Eric Gaspard
Internet Commentor 3
Michael Schiciano
Internet Commenter 5
Patrick Buss
Restaurant Patron (uncredited)
Louie Corbo
Internet Neckbeard (uncredited)
Meagan Rachelle
Bush (uncredited)
Patrick Thatcher
Internet Neckbeard (uncredited)
Omar Ahmed

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