War Action Drama
As the Second World War breaks out, German freighter captain Karl Ehrlich is about to leave Sydney, Australia with his vessel, the Ergenstrasse. Ehrlich, an anti-Nazi but proud German, hopes to outrun or out-maneuver the British warship pursuing him. Aboard his vessel is Elsa Keller, a woman Ehrlich has been ordered to return to Germany safely along with whatever secrets she carries. When Ehrlich's fiercely Nazi chief officer Kirchner commits an atrocity, the British pursuit becomes deadly.
Directed by
John Farrow
John Wayne
Captain Karl Ehrlich
James Arness
Claude Akins
Paul Fix
Max Heinz
Tab Hunter
Cadet Wesser
Lyle Bettger
Chief Officer Kirchner
Lana Turner
Elsa Keller
Alan Hale Jr.
John Doucette
Richard Davalos
Cadet Walter Stemme (as Dick Davalos)
Lowell Gilmore
Capt. Evans
Richard Lupino
British Officer of the Watch
John Qualen
Chief Engineer Schmitt
Peter Whitney
David Farrar
Commander Jeff Napier
Wilton Graff
Consul General Hepke
Luis van Rooten
Alan Lee

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