Comedy Romance
Harold Meadows is a shy, stuttering bachelor working in a tailor shop, who is writing a guidebook, The Secret of Making Love, for other bashful young men. Fate has him meet rich girl Mary, and they fall in love. But she is about to wed an already married man, so our hero embarks upon a hair-raising daredevil ride to prevent the wedding.
Directed by
Fred C. Newmeyer, Sam Taylor
Written by
Harold Lloyd
Mickey Daniels
Newsboy (uncredited)
Jobyna Ralston
Mary Buckingham
Harold Lloyd
Harold Meadows
Joe Cobb
Boy in Tailor Shop (uncredited)
Billy Butts
Little Boy (uncredited)
Jackie Condon
Boy Having Pants Sewn (uncredited)
Carlton Griffin
Ronald De Vore
Richard Daniels
Jeremiah 'Jerry' Meadows
Betsy Ann Hisle
Little Girl (uncredited)
Ethel Broadhurst
Publisher Woman (uncredited)
Sammy Brooks
Short Train Passenger (uncredited)
Andy De Villa
Traffic Cop (uncredited)
Dorothy Dorr
Girl with the Curls (uncredited)

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