Action Thriller
While on a business trip, Tom Phillips is in a car accident caused by a reckless driver. Tom survives the accident with a severe chronic back injury which results in him not being able to continue with his current business. The Phillips' buy a motel in the California desert and Tom with his wife Peg and their two children, Tina and Jamie make the long road trip to their new home. As they approach their destination they are terrorized by reckless teenage hot-rodders looking for kicks.
Directed by
John Brahm
Dana Andrews
Tom Phillips
Mimsy Farmer
Laurie Mock
Tina Phillips
Jeffrey Byron
Jamie Phillips
Harry Hickox
Bill Phillips
Jeanne Crain
Peg Phillips
Liz Renay
Bob Herron
Mickey Rooney Jr.
Combo Leader
Paul Bertoya
Paul Genge
Highway Patrolman
George Ives

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