Family Animation Comedy TV Movie
After Snoopy displays his usual level of courage and runs away from his sentry duty, he happens to run into a beautiful female. Smitten, he decides to marry her. Now, the gang, and Snoopy's brother, Spike, want to help in an affair that has the usual complications
Directed by
Bill Melendez
Written by
Charles M. Schulz
Carl Steven
Pigpen / Franklin (voice)
Sally Brown (voice)
Keri Houlihan
Marcie (voice)
Jeremy Schoenberg
Linus van Pelt (voice)
Brett Johnson
Charlie Brown (voice)
Gini Holtzman
Peppermint Patty (voice)
Danny Colby
Schroeder (voice)
Brad Kesten
Charlie Brown
Dawnn D. Leary
Sally Brown (singing voice)
Heather Stoneman
Lucy van Pelt (voice)

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