Drama Crime
Pizza man Hussein is a daily witnesses to the unjust distribution of wealth in his native Iran. One day, he finds a purse filled with shockingly expensive receipts from an upscale jewelry store. He attempts to bring the purse back to the store, but because of his working-class attire, he's not allowed inside. Then, during a delivery, a rich man invites Hussein into his extravagant mansion – an event that spurs Hussein to make a desperate bid for wealth.
Directed by
Jafar Panahi
Written by
Abbas Kiarostami
Mehran Rajabi
Ehsan Amani
The Man in the Tea House
Ramin Rastad
Hossain Emadeddin
Kamyar Sheisi
Azita Rayeji
The Bride
Shahram Vaziri
The Jeweler
Pourang Nakhael
The Rich Man
Kaveh Najmabadi
The Seller
Saber Safael
The Soldier
Yadollah Samadian
Behnaz Houri

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