Comedy Music Romance
A henpecked husband tries to help his daughter marry the man she loves and his wife loathes.
Directed by
Frank McDonald
Dickie Jones
Boy on Streetcar
Warren Hull
Jerry Wayne
Anne Nagel
Miss Perkins - Ramp's Secretary
Mary Treen
Alice Gillingwater
Tom Wilson
Fred - Detective
Tom Brower
Sheriff Bert Hanson
Hugh Herbert
Horatio Gillingwater
Robert Gleckler
Gangster Mugsy O'Bannion - aka Harold McCauley
Dorothy Vaughan
Evalina 'Evie' Gillingwater
Arthur Aylesworth
Justice Felton
Hobart Cavanaugh
Jacob 'Jake' Buckley
Milton Kibbee
Wilbur - Detective
Clarence Wilson
Jonathan Ramp
Patricia Ellis
Lois Gillingwater
Sol Gorss
Jim - Bank Robber
Henry Otho
Lumpy - Bank Robber
Max Wagner
Lester - O'Bannion's Driver

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