Comedy Adventure
3 men from a provincial town who are in an urgent need for money so they decide to buy a lottery ticket. They win the lottery, but very soon, the ticket gets stolen.
Directed by
Paul Negoescu
Written by
Paul Negoescu
Alexandru Papadopol
Pompiliu Bors
Codin Maticiuc
Blonde hair gangster
Șerban Pavlu
The jealous boyfriend
Elias Ferkin
Prezentator loto
Andi Vasluianu
Costel Dorohoi
Dragoș Bucur
Vasile Gramada aka Sile
Dorian Boguță
Dinel Petre
Mircea Banu
Police Officer Horatiu Guspenec
Elisa Calin
Ioana Florentina Dimitriu
Mihaela Dorohoi (as Ina Dimitriu)
Alexandru-Victor Nemteanu
Irina Noaptes
Hitchhiker / Codruta

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