Comedy Drama
The Hartmann family is turned upside down when mother Angelika decides to take in the refugee Diallo, against her husband's will. Amidst the typical chaos of our time, hope remains that the family finds its stability, confidence and peace again - just like the whole country.
Directed by
Simon Verhoeven
Written by
Simon Verhoeven
Elyas M'Barek
Dr. Tarek Berger
Senta Berger
Angelika Hartmann
Uwe Ochsenknecht
Dr. Sascha Heinrich
Florian David Fitz
Philipp Hartmann
Palina Rojinski
Sofie Hartmann
Eisi Gulp
Bernd Bader
Ulrike Kriener
Heike Broscher
Pierre Kiwitt
Eric Kabongo
Diallo Makabouri
Stefan Merki
Dr. Georg Grosser
Heiner Lauterbach
Dr. Richard Hartmann
Simon Verhoeven
Thilo Prothmann
Kurt Blümlein
Eva Ingeborg Scholz
Frau Eisenhofer
Thomas Darchinger
Richter Baumgartner
Marinus Hohmann
Antonio Putignano
Toni Perrero
Esther Kuhn
Marcus Morlinghaus
Wolfram Rupperti

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