Action Adventure Animation Family TV Movie
School is in session for DC Super Hero Girls! This is where students master their super powers, brain power, and will power to become the Super Heroes of tomorrow. When Supergirl crash lands into the cafeteria, it's evident that though she has incredible power, she has a long way to go before she becomes a Super Hero. As Supergirl learn to harness her powers, the Junior Detective Club investigates a mysterious rash of security breaches. Could it all be because of reformed Super-Villain and Super Hero High Vice-Principal Gorilla Grodd - or something far worse?
Directed by
Jennifer Coyle
Written by
Shea Fontana
Grey DeLisle
Wonder Woman / Giganta / Kogrugarian (voice)
Fred Tatasciore
Killer Croc / Percy (voice)
Tara Strong
Harley Quinn / Poison Ivy (voice)
Tom Kenny
Commissioner Gordon (voice)
John DiMaggio
Gorilla Grodd / Wildcat (voice)
Dean Cain
Jonathan Kent (voice)
Mae Whitman
Barbara Gordon / Batgirl / Speed Queen (voice)
Helen Slater
Martha Kent (voice)
Josh Keaton
Barry Allen / Hal Jordan (voice)
Ashley Eckstein
Cheetah (voice)
Greg Cipes
Beast Boy (voice)
Yvette Nicole Brown
Amanda Waller (voice)
Nika Futterman
Hawkgirl (voice)
Teala Dunn
Bumblebee / Artemis (voice)
April Stewart
Granny Goodness / Stompa (voice)
Stephanie Sheh
Katana (voice)
Tania Gunadi
Lady Shiva (voice)
Misty Lee
Big Barda / Mad Harriet (voice)
Anais Fairweather
Supergirl (voice)

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