Drama History Adventure
As Carpathian legend has it, Oleksa Dovbush was a heroic outlaw with excellent fighting skills and a gift to predict the future. He was left an orphan as a small boy after a local lord murdered Oleksa's mother. After spending his childhood in exile in the mountains, he returned as a grown man to avenge his mother's death. Oleksa gathered followers to begin a crusade against the lord, but destiny made other plans for him.
Directed by
Serg Skobun
Valeriy Kharchyshyn
Sergiy Akhrimenko
Nadiia Bokaturo
Anatoli Chumachenko
Mykhailo Hrytskan
Nataliia Hunda
Marichka's mother
Zakhar Kermoshchuk
Stephan Dzvinchuk Teen

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