Drama TV Movie
The story of Benvenuto Cellinin (1500-1571), a soldier and one of the most important craftsmen and artists of Renaissance Italy whose life was marked by many achievements and adventures, but also crimes. There is also the mini-series version consisted of three 90 minutes episodes, broadcasted by RaiDue.
Directed by
Giacomo Battiato
Max von Sydow
Papa Clemente VII
Ben Kingsley
Antonino Iuorio
Sophie Ward
Porzia / Supplizia
Pamela Villoresi
Florence Pernel
Ennio Fantastichini
Cosimo De Medici
Lorenza Guerrieri
Michele Melega
Wadeck Stanczak
Benvenuto Cellini
Tony Vogel
Baccio Bandinelli
Nando Paone
Luigi Di Fiore
Pierluigi Farnese
Amanda Sandrelli
Sara Bertelà
Catherine De Medici
Dario Penne

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