Sci-Fi Action Adventure Comedy Fantasy Drama
Shortly after Shinnosuke Tomari (Ryoma Takeuchi), Kamen Rider Drive, eradicates the Earth of the 108 Roidmudes, he is put on a special assignment to investigate paranormal activity elsewhere in the city. He heads to the temple Daitenkū-ji to speak with witnesses Akari Tsukimura (Hikaru Ohsawa) and Onari (Takayuki Yanagi), but as he is interrogating them, a Gamma appears and steals an Eyecon from the temple, prompting Takeru Tenkūji (Shun Nishime), Kamen Rider Ghost, to fight it, even though to Shinnosuke it seems that Kamen Rider Ghost is fighting no one at all as he cannot see the Gamma
Directed by
Osamu Kaneda
Written by
Makoto Hayashi
Ryoma Takeuchi
Shinnosuke Tomari / Kamen Rider Drive
Rio Uchida
Kiriko Shijima
Fumika Baba
Aoi Yuki
Yurusen (voice)
Naoto Takenaka
Takuya Mizoguchi
Rei Yoshii
Rinna Sawagami
Hayato Isomura
Alain / Kamen Rider Necrom
Yoshiyuki Morishita
Chikara Saionji
Kenta Hamano
Kyu Saijo
Tomoya Warabino
Kendo Kobayashi
Da Vinci Ganma (voice)
Yu Inaba
Go Shijima / Kamen Rider Mach
Ryosuke Yamamoto
Makoto Fukami / Kamen Rider Specter
Shota Matsushima
Taiko Katono
Hikaru Osawa
Akari Tsukimura
Takayuki Yanagi
Nishimura Kazuhiko
Ryu Tenkuji
Chris Peppler
Drive Driver (voice)
Shun Nishime
Takeru Tenkuji / Kamen Rider Ghost
Taira Imata
Genpachiro Otta
Shinobu Hasegawa
Michelangelo Ganma (voice)
Tsurutaro Kataoka
Jun Honganji
Akio Togashi
Ghost Driver (voice) (as m.c.A·T)
Reo Kansyuji
Jiro Okawara
Raffaello Ganma (voice)
Hinata Yamada
Takeru Tenkuji (Child)
Chinami Yoshioka
Akari Tsukimura (Child)
Taihei Kato
Daiki Fujioka

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