Drama History
Acclaimed writer and historian Deborah E. Lipstadt must battle for historical truth to prove the Holocaust actually occurred when David Irving, a renowned denier, sues her for libel.
Directed by
Mick Jackson
Rachel Weisz
Deborah Lipstadt
Timothy Spall
David Irving
Jack Lowden
James Libson
Andrew Scott
Anthony Julius
Laurel Lefkow
Storm Glass
Harriet Walter
Vera Reich
Mark Gatiss
Professor Robert Jan van der Pelt
Will Attenborough
Thomas Skelton Robinson
Abigail Cruttenden
Janine Stone
Alex Jennings
Sir Charles Gray
Caren Pistorius
Laura Tyler
Tom Wilkinson
Richard Rampton
Laura Evelyn
Daniel Cerqueira
Sam Glass
Jackie Clune
Heather Rogers
Amanda Lawrence
Court Usher
Todd Boyce
Sally Messham
John Sessions
Prof. Richard Evans
Andrea Deck
Sara Powell
Ziggy Heath
Hilton McRae
Judge John Trench
Max Befort
Nik Wachsman
Nikki Amuka-Bird
Libby Holbrook
Helen Bradbury
Rachel Levy
Lachele Carl
Sean Power
Ian Bartholomew
TV Historian
Paul Bailey
Paralegal #1 (uncredited)
Jeremy Paxman
Himself (Archive Footage)
Elliot Levey
Roger Levy
Pip Carter
Anthony Forbes-Watson
Paul Hunter
Judge's Clerk
Tom Clarke Hill
Sam Dixon
Jacob Krichefski
Rabbi Brenner
Edward Franklin
Amber Batty
Kate Kelland
Nicholas Tennant
Angry Man

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