Family Adventure Sci-Fi Animation
Hitch a ride with MILES FROM TOMORROWLAND and... LET'S ROCKET! Climb aboard the starship "Stellosphere" and meet Miles Callisto, his loving family and his best buddy Merc, a robo-ostrich built for speed, friendship and fun! Tasked by the Tomorrowland Transit Authority with connecting the Interstellar Super Highway, Miles and his tech-savvy sister Loretta are ready for anything -- including awesome alien encounters and earthshaking discoveries that celebrate the wonders of outer space. Filled with cosmic surprises, super-cool gadgets and amazing facts verified by science experts, this out-of-this-world adventure is a total blast! EPISODE LISTING: "Runaway Shuttle/Surfin' The Whirlpool," "Ocean In Motion/Explorer Exchange," "Game On/How I Saved My Summer Vacation," "Who Stole The Stellosphere/Rock N' Roll," "To The Goldilocks Zone/Hiccup In the Plan"
Grey DeLisle
Tom Kenny
Leo Callisto
Diedrich Bader
Admiral Crick
Danny Jacobs
Admiral Watson
Dee Bradley Baker
Olivia Munn
Phoebe Callisto
Cullen McCarthy
Miles Callisto
Fiona Bishop
Loretta Callisto

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