Drama Romance
Father Greg Pilkington is torn between his call as a conservative Catholic priest and his secret life as a homosexual with a gay lover, frowned upon by the Church. Upon hearing the confession of a young girl of her incestuous father, Greg enters an intensely emotional spiritual struggle deciding between choosing morals over religion and one life over another.
Directed by
Antonia Bird
Written by
Jimmy McGovern
Marsha Thomason
Robert Carlyle
Lesley Sharp
Mrs. Unsworth
Tom Wilkinson
Father Matthew Thomas
Linus Roache
Father Greg Pilkington
John Bennett
Father Redstone
Bill Dean
Altar Boy
Paul Barber
Robert Pugh
Mr. Unsworth
Anthony Booth
Christine Tremarco
Lisa Unsworth
Cathy Tyson
Maria Kerrigan
Fred Pearson
James Ellis
Father Ellerton
Matyelok Gibbs
Rio Fanning
Valerie Lilley
Sister Kevin
Gilly Coman
Ellie Molloy
Jimmy Gallagher
Mick Molloy
Mandy Walsh
Guest at wake
Kevin Knapman
Boy at Beach
Mauricio Venegas
Chilean band leader
Jimmy Coleman
Funeral Director (as Jim R. Coleman)
Kim Johnson
Mrs. Gobshite
Keith Cole
Mr. Gobshite
Andy Roberts

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