Drama Horror
A young beauty queen travels to New York to further her modelling career, but contracts syphilis after being tricked into a sexual encounter. She is torn between the prospect of a slow, intensive but proven therapy and a supposed miracle cure.
Directed by
Dwain Esper
Harry Antrim
Theatrical Manager
Mark Daniels
Wendel Hope
Rose Tapley
Mrs. Hamilton
Vivian McGill
Millicent Hamilton
Al Rigali
Mr. Hamilton
Linda Lee Hill
Sheila Wayne
Ruth Edell
Mrs. Fay
Charles Olcott
Paul Lorenz
Ed Redding
Dr. Hampton
Pat Lawrence
Tom Lorenz
Allen Tower
Dr. Harris
Richard Bengali
Mr. Maynard
W. Blake
Dr. Grenoble
Frank Howsen
Dr. Bayard
Allan Lee
Mr. Winthrop
Jean Temple
Mrs. Winthrop
Albert Patterson
James Winthrop
Miriam Bilavsky
Natalie Donet
Polly Bestor
Joseph Kramer
Lon Mays
Douncey Taylor

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