Family Drama
Mehmet is a man living with his family in a mountain village in the Black Sea region. He earns his living by breeding a few animals, while passionately looking for a mineral reserve on the mountains, but his pursuit is seen useless by his family. Devastated by vain efforts, his hope is renewed with a competition. Mehmet will attend the bull fight held in Artvin, but he returns from Artvin completely lost, once again. This simple story pictures the naive portrait of a touching life, a life struggle in hardship and the relationship between nature, animals and human beings.
Directed by
Mustafa Kara
Written by
Mustafa Kara, Bilal Sert
Haydar Şişman
Nuray Yeşilaraz
Hanife Kara
İbrahim Kuvvet
Temel Kara

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