Comedy Animation Adventure Family Fantasy
A young girl named June with a big imagination makes an incredible discovery -- the amusement park of her dreams has come to life. Filled with the world's wildest rides operated by fun-loving animals, the excitement never ends. But when trouble hits, June and her misfit team of furry friends begin an unforgettable journey to save the park.
Directed by
Dylan Brown
Mila Kunis
Greta (voice)
Jennifer Garner
June's Mom (voice)
Kenan Thompson
Gus (voice)
Kath Soucie
Bus Counselor Shannon (voice)
Matthew Broderick
June's Dad (voice)
Ken Jeong
Cooper (voice)
Kevin Chamberlin
Uncle Tony (voice)
Lou Romano
Brianna Denski
June (voice)
Sofia Mali
Young June (voice)
John Oliver
Steve (voice)
Ken Hudson Campbell
Boomer (voice)
Kate McGregor-Stewart
Aunt Albertine (voice)
Lisa Foiles
Additional Voices
Norbert Leo Butz
Peanut (voice)
Oev Michael Urbas
Banky (voice)

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