Drama Romance
Painter Ha-rim became blind due to an unfortunate accident. His wife Sun-yeong searches far and low for a cornea donor until she meets terminal cancer patient Dae-geun. These two make a startling and dangerous deal for Ha-rim's cornea.
Directed by
No Zin-soo
Kim Sun-young
Eun-hye (은혜)
Jung Seo-yoon
Mi-so (미소)
Lee Sung-jae
Attorney Lee (이변호사)
Lee Se-chang
Ha-rim (하림)
Dong Bang-woo
Dae-geun (대근)
Kim Dong-seok
Kim Hee-yeol
[Pharmacy Boss]
Park Jeong-wan
[Cosmetic Store Manager]
Kim Bong-soo
[Medical Herb Old Man]

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