Animation Action Adventure
It's been a tough week for Peter Parker. His two best friends are mad at him, Aunt May is behind on the bills and Flash Thompson is still bullying him at school. It hasn't been a cake walk for Spider-Man either. The Enforcers are trying to destroy him, the Vulture is seeking revenge on Mr. Osborn, Electro is wreaking havoc on the city and his mentor, Dr. Connors, just transformed into The Lizard - a reptile on the rampage. But with great power comes great responsibility and Peter Parker wouldn't have it any other way!
Directed by
Victor Cook, Troy Adomitis, Dave Bullock
Written by
Kevin Hopps, Greg Weisman
Clancy Brown
Alex O'Hirn/Rhino (voice)
Lacey Chabert
Gwen Stacy (voice)
Grey DeLisle
Sally Avril (voice), Betty Brant (voice)
Jeff Bennett
Montana/Shocker (voice)
Peter MacNicol
Otto Octavius/Doctor Octopus (voice)
Alan Rachins
Norman Osborn (voice)
Alanna Ubach
Liz Allen (voice)
Josh Keaton
Peter Parker/Spider-Man (voice)
Crispin Freeman
Max Dillon/Electro (voice)
Daran Norris
J. Jonah Jameson (voice)
Robert Englund
Adrian Toomes/Vulture (voice)
Dee Bradley Baker
Curt Connors/Lizard (voice)
James Arnold Taylor
Harry Osborn (voice)
Ben Diskin
Eddie Brock (voice)
Deborah Strang
Aunt May Parker (voice)
Joshua LeBar
Flash Thompson (voice)

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