Action Crime Thriller
Ace assassin Frank Kitchen is double crossed by gangsters and falls into the hands of rogue surgeon known as The Doctor who turns him into a woman. The hitman, now a hitwoman, sets out for revenge, aided by a nurse named Johnnie who also has secrets.
Directed by
Walter Hill
Michelle Rodriguez
Frank Kitchen / Tomboy
Sigourney Weaver
Dr. Rachel Kay
Tony Shalhoub
Dr. Ralph Galen
Anthony LaPaglia
Honest John Hartunian
Paul McGillion
Paul Wincott
Darryl Quon
Jin Tao
Adrian Hough
Alex Zahara
Vladimir Gorski
Ken Kirzinger
Nurse Albert Becker
Terry Chen
Dr. Lin
Chad Riley
Paul Lazenby
Lia Lam
Asian woman
Hugo Ateo
Zak Santiago
Edward Gonzales
Caitlin Gerard
Sergio Osuna
Mexican Man
Jason Asuncion
Hiram Ko (Dog Trainer)
Caroline Chan
Ting Li
Eltie Pearce

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