Comedy Romance
Diego, a hopeless romantic desperately trying to salvage his relationship with long time girlfriend Sofía, plans a beach getaway to propose and clear the air. A casual encounter with Sofía's old friend Malena will cast doubts on his relationship and skewed understanding of love, quickly turning a perfect weekend in paradise into Diego's worst nightmare.
Directed by
Hernán Jiménez
Peter Mooney
Marina Glezer
Noelia Castaño
Dylan Hand
César Céspedes
Instructor de Surf
Irene Rossi
Esposa de Commercial
Zoe Arguedas
Hija de Commercial
Ricardo Cerdas
Amigo de Diego
Julio Alberto Benavides
Doctor Clínica Rural
Felicitas Charpin
Chica Dormida en Piscina
María del Carmen Ramírez
Amiga del Conejo
Laura Avila Tacsan
Masajista Thai

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