Animation Drama Documentary
In memory of the Japanese earthquake on 3.11, each director presents a 3 minute and 11 second short film in tribute to those who were lost that day.
Directed by
Catherine Cadou, Mohd Naguib Razak, Wisut Ponnimit, Pedro González-Rubio, Jia Zhangke, Apichatpong Weerasethakul, Isaki Lacuesta, Ariel Rotter, Toyoko Yamasaki, Shunji Dodo, Leslie Kee, Steven Sebring, Kazuhiro Soda, Jonas Mekas, Víctor Erice, So Yong Kim, Kaori Momoi, Naomi Kawase, Bong Joon Ho, Takushi Nishinaka, Zhao Ye
Kaori Momoi
(segment "Heartquake")
Ana Torrent
Ana (segment "Ana, Three Minutes")
Zhao Tao
(segment "Alone Together")
Go A-sung

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