Action Drama Thriller
When a new friend is brutally assaulted, Detective John Droomor is put by chance in charge of the investigation. Although the evidence against the perpetrators seems overwhelming, there is nothing definitive in the case that guarantees justice is served, even more so if some people are willing to twist and betray it.
Directed by
Johnny Martin
Nicolas Cage
Det. John Dromoor
Don Johnson
Jay Kirkpatrick
Jwaundace Candece
Night Nurse
Elizabeth Hunter
Charlene Tilton
Irma Fick
Anna Hutchison
Teena Maguire
Kaleigh Rivera
Weston Cage
Elijah Marcano
Mike Pniewski
Judge Schpiro
Michelle Davidson
TV Reporter
Deborah Kara Unger
Michael Papajohn
J. J. Breen
Rey Hernandez
Trooper #1
Talitha Eliana Bateman
Bethie Maguire
Nicole Barré
Dr. Matthews
Jimmy Gonzales
Det. Zwaff
Joshua Mikel
Marvin Fick
Dikran Tulaine
Walt Fick
Ele Bardha
Kara Flowers
Assist. Prosecutor Dixon
Cory Scott Allen
Marc Coppola
Dr. Collins
Natalie Shaheen
ER Nurse
Bret McKee
Carter Burch
Fritz Haaber
Keith Arthur Bolden
Trooper #2
Emily Sandifer
Alphie Hyorth
Rocco Nugent
Lloyd Fick
Aislin Freya Pax
Joe Ochterbeck
Jimmy De Lucca
Xavier Declie
Father Muldoon
Dan Kleckner
TV Anchor
Kaitlyn Dillard
Mean Girl
Carlos Guerrero
Shirley Martin
Mrs. Dorothy Lewis
Dwayne Boyd
Det. Lyle
Bernardo Peña
Lt. Brand
Steve Vernon
Mike the Bartender
Elise DuQuette
Lorraine Rodriguez-Reyes
Jenny Martin
Lou Ellen
Deborah Swallow
Brooke Droomor

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