Comedy Drama
A retired businesswoman – who tries to control everything around her – decides to write her own obituary. A young journalist takes up the task of finding out the truth, and the result is a life-altering friendship.
Directed by
Mark Pellington
Written by
Stuart Ross Fink
Amanda Seyfried
Anne Sherman
Shirley MacLaine
Harriet Lauler
Millicent Martin
Margaret Dumont
Anne Heche
Steven Culp
Sam Serman
John Billingsley
Father Reilly
Adina Porter
Bree Wilson
Joel Murray
Joe Mueller
Natalija Nogulich
Middle Aged Woman
Alanna Ubach
Chloé Wepper
Agency Receptionist
Marshall Bell
Sarah Baker
Gedde Watanabe
Louie the gardener
James Tupper
Man at Funeral (uncredited)
Todd Louiso
Dr. Morgan
Philip Baker Hall
Brooke Trantor
Focus Group Woman #2
Tom Everett Scott
Ronald Odom
Thomas Sadoski
Robin Sands
Valeri Ross
Wanda Byers
Yvette Freeman
Nikki McCauley
Dawn DJ
Marcy Jarreau
Focus Group Woman #1
Spice Williams-Crosby
Basil Hoffman
Christopher Georrge
Joshua Harto
Focus Group Man 1
Bill Glass
Father Piper
Nicole Fazio
Waitress (uncredited)
Jesse Burch
Juan Jose Dubon
Radio Station Intern Worker (uncredited)
AnnJewel Lee Dixon
J. Denise
Radio Station Employee (uncredited)

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