Drama Horror Thriller
Like many happy people, Bruno Hamel is leading an uneventful life until one afternoon, when his daughter is raped and murdered. When the murderer is arrested, a terrible project germinates in Bruno's darkened mind. He plans to capture the "monster" and make him pay for his crime.
Directed by
Daniel Grou
Written by
Patrick Senécal
Claude Legault
Bruno Hamel
Rémy Girard
Hervé Mercure
Alexandre Goyette
Michel Boisvert
Fanny Mallette
Dominique Quesnel
Marise Pleau
Maxime Allard
Journaliste Fafard
Daniel Desputeau
Gilles, Médecin
Pascal Contamine
Gaétan Morin
Vlace Samar
Frédéric 8 ans
Maxime Bessette
Jeune rocker
Jean-François Boudreau
Père Laurie
Yves Bélanger
Père de Marion
Amélie Chérubin-Soulières
Mère Laurie
Marika Lhoumeau
Mère de Marion
Martin Dubreuil
Anthony Lemaire
Pascale Delhaes
Diane Masson
Rose-Marie Coallier
Jasmine Hamel
Valérie Gervais-Lillo
Caissière essence
Isabelle Pagé
Lectrice de nouvelles
Garry Gagnon
Caméraman Fafard
Michel-André Cardin
Journaliste chalet
Léa-Marie Cantin
Femme de Mercure

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