Romance TV Movie Drama
When former college sweethearts Olivia Pershing and Mick Turner are unexpectedly reunited the weekend of Olivia's wedding, the former couple initially locks horns but as the events of the weekend unfold, Olivia and Mick find old feelings rising to the surface. Will the bride-to-be walk down the aisle as planned or will she decide to give her first love a second chance?
Directed by
Neill Fearnley
Written by
Neal H. Dobrofsky, Tippi Dobrofsky
Claire Smithies
Female Clerk
Cameron Bancroft
Josh Johnson
Cardi Wong
Preston Vanderslice
Wall Streeter
Emily Tennant
Grace Pershing
Aaron Pearl
Josie Bissett
Olivia Pershing
Julia Benson
Susan Hogan
Nora Winters
Alvin Sanders
Sarah Grey
Julie Turner
Serge Houde
Conor Gomez
Workman Freddie
Jack Wagner
Mick Turner
Luke Sykes
Young Mick
Joey Coleman
Young Duke
Kevin Adamski
Singer #1
Shay Halverson
Young Olivia
Levi Penner
Singer #2
Natalia McLaughlin
Singer #3
Roan Shankaruk
Singer #4
Matthew Cheverie
Singer #5

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