Music Romance
Rosina is frustrated by her engagement to millionaire John Johnson III, a fussy, domineering, control freak. The night before her wedding, she goes out dancing with her maid María, María's husband Tomás, and their friend Gordillo. When Rosina learns Gordillo is a sailor on the yacht owned by Mexican film star José María Beltrán, she decides to stow away and sail to Mexico to be with her grandmother.
Directed by
Ramón Pereda
Rafael Hernández
Alicia Moreda
Rosina's mother
Bobby Capó
Tommy Muñiz
Hotel Manager
Lillian Hurst
Adalberto Rodríguez Machuchal
Maria Antonieta Pons
Velda González
María (Rosina's Maid)
Gilda Mirós
Berta (Rosina's Sister)
José Miguel Agrelot
Porfirio 'Gordillo'
Orlando Rodríguez
Frank Vidal
Dagoberto Rodríguez
José María Beltrán
Nelly Durán
Luis Vigoreaux
Gloria Mirabal
Polito Galindez

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