Drama Mystery
A young man returns home from the bar only to find a woman who was about to kill herself. Taking her home and protecting her, he learns that she’s escaped from a violent husband. but there’s more to her story than she's willing to tell at first.
Directed by
Toshiharu Ikeda
Yuki Kazamatsuri
Chōei Takahashi
Yutaka Takimura
Yoshirō Aoki
Akira Ota
Shinobu Tsuruta
Cab Driver
Haruko Wanibuchi
Asako Yano
Johnny Ohkura
Tetsuro Esaka
Yousuke Saito
Yoichi Kuwano
Sachiko Itô
Mari Amachi
Akiko Takimura
Daisuke Iijima
TV Crew

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