Thriller Drama
The story of an unsuccessful attempt to convict a congressman's son of rape takes an unexpected twist, as the accused pursues a friendship with the victim. A mysterious and deadly rapist and murderer spreads terror and chaos among women in the city. But in the midst of intrigues, tensions and dangers a lawyer is attracted to him the mysterious man realized that he's not a murderer or a rapist. Yet she falls and be friendly with him, which in turn fearing that she'll be his next target and it is he that is going after her.
Directed by
Lino Brocka
Sharon Cuneta
Atty. Becca Dizon
Christopher de Leon
Joaquin 'Jing' Aureus
Rowell Santiago
Atty. Dave Pascual
Lucita Soriano
Aunt Edad
Gina Alajar
Laura Malicsi
Jaime Fabregas
Nanette Medved
Fey Navarro
William Lorenzo
Johnny Wilson
Congressman Aureus
Lollie Mara
Mrs. Aureus
Carmi Matic

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