An omnibus of short films about gay men’s relationships and partings. Kim Chuja is a fantasy musical about two men who were lovers in the past and meet by chance. Floating Island is a quiet, sad love story about a man who wants to leave and a man who wants to hold him back. In La Traviata, a woman comes to Bogil Island to meet her dead husband’s lover. She’s angry when she sees him happy. She sees the red camellia flowers and she comes to terms with her husband’s homosexuality while recovering from the hurt.
Directed by
So Joon-moon, Leesong Hee-il, Choi Jin-sung
Written by
Choi Jin-sung
Park Mi-hyun
Jung Seung-kil
Kim Wang-geun
Lee Eung-jae
Hwang Choon-ha
Jung Won-gyu
Hyun-soo's Boyfriend
Song Ju-hee
Kim Choo-ja

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