Adventure Drama
Alaska: America's last great wilderness frontier. A land of primitive grandeur, of glaciers, mountains and ice-fields. And of ambitious cannery tycoon Zeb "Czar" Kennedy (Richard Burton) and rugged activist leader Thor Storm (Robert Ryan), two rough-hewn men whose bitter 40-year rivalry mirrored their powerful land's struggle for statehood.
Directed by
Vincent Sherman
Shirley Knight
Grace Kennedy
Sheila Bromley
Lucy Husack
Richard Burton
Zeb Kennedy
George Takei
Carolyn Jones
Bridie Ballantyne
Martha Hyer
Dorothy Wendt Kennedy
Ray Danton
Bay Husack
Robert Ryan
Thor Storm
Jim Backus
Dave Husack
Karl Swenson
Scotty Ballantyne
Diane McBain
Christine Storm
Sal Ponti
Jerry - Military Pilot
Sheridan Comerate
Ross Guildenstern
Bob Herron
Barry Kelley
Einer Wendt
Sam McDaniel
George, the train porter
I. Stanford Jolley
Mr. Lawson
Steve Harris
Christopher Storm
Carol Nicholson
Grace Kennedy (as a child)
Alan Roberts
Christopher Storm (as a child)
Dorcas Brower
Thor's Eskimo wife
Norma French

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