Crime Drama
A former government agent in France, who has failed at an assignment and been disavowed, is deported back to the USA, where he can only find work at a low-rent detective agency. He soon gets involved with a woman with ties to a crooked gambling club owner, who is a client of his agency.
Directed by
Michael Curtiz
William Powell
Donald Free
Natalie Moorhead
Helen Burns
Charles Lane
Process Server (Uncredited)
Margaret Lindsay
Janet Reynolds
Arthur Byron
Tracey (Uncredited)
Gordon Westcott
Tony Bandor
Toby Wing
Free's Lady Friend (Uncredited)
Irving Bacon
Cab Driver
Rolfe Sedan
Casino Man (Uncredited)
Renee Whitney
Alice (Uncredited)
Heinie Conklin
Bartender (Uncredited)
Eddie Phillips
Mrs. Wright's Paramour (Uncredited)
Joan Standing
Client with Free (Uncredited)
Arthur Hohl
Dan Hogan
Eddie Dunn
Club Doorman (Uncredited)
Sheila Terry
Mrs. Wright (Uncredited)
Theresa Harris
Janet's Maid (Uncredited)
James Bell
Joan Barclay
Gambler (Uncredited)
Ruth Donnelly
Amy Moran
Hobart Cavanaugh
Harcourt S. Burns
Bill Elliott
Man at Roulette Table (Uncredited)
Georges Renavent
Ship's Captain Henri LaFarge (Uncredited)
Charles C. Wilson
Club Bartender (Uncredited)
Ellinor Vanderveer
Woman in Speakeasy (Uncredited)
Pat Wing
Secretary (Uncredited)
Ann Hovey
Rose (Uncredited)
Harry Seymour
Gambler (Uncredited)

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