Animation Adventure Sci-Fi
Meguru and Mayu are two future-wanderers hoping to find the mythical Mirror of Arei that is said to allow all who glimpse it to pass beyond the edge if the universe. Highjacked by renegade android Zero, the trio joins forces when they realise that they are all searching for the same thing.
Directed by
Kōzō Morishita
Keiko Toda
Meguru Daichi (voice)
Hideyuki Tanaka
Zero (voice)
Masaharu Satô
Colonist (voice)
Hiromi Tsuru
Rinne (voice)
Yoko Asagami
Mayu (voice)
Tomiko Suzuki
Areian (voice)
Koji Totani
Colonist (voice)
Yoko Kawanami
Commander (voice)
Kozo Shioya
Colonist (voice)
Reiko Mutoh
Sōi (voice)
Chiyoko Kawashima
Areian (voice)

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