Adventure Family Comedy
One day, robot Robby enters into a life of the most creative little boy, Toby. Robby had been separated from his robot parents when his spaceship crashed. Toby decides to offer his help and the two of them become friends.
Directed by
Wolfgang Groos
Written by
Jan Berger
Alexandra Maria Lara
Sharon Schalldämpfer
Sam Riley
Brad Blutbad
Bjarne Mädel
Jördis Triebel
Mutter Findteisen
Arsseni Bultmann
Ralph Caspers
Vater Findteisen
Friedrich Mücke
Sir Joshua
Helmut Zerlett
Melina Mardini
Oliver Kleinfeld
Die Axt
Kieran West
Caspar Besch
Das Beil
Jonah Rausch
Robbi (voice)
Parviz Khosrawi
Plumpudding Vorstand
Christian Cronenberg
Plumpudding Techniker
Achim Züscher
Helikopter Pilot

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