Comedy Drama Romance
Two lost souls: she a con-artist in L.A.; he a puppeteer in San Antonio have the same dream linking each with the other. He travels to L.A. to find this woman he has become obsessed with. She resists, afraid of his kooky ideas until she travels with him to San Antonio and meets his wise grandmother. Story of two disparate people linked by "fate" gets increasingly interesting as it rolls along.
Directed by
James F. Robinson
Written by
James F. Robinson
Michael McKean
New Mark
Brendan Fraser
Fletcher McBracken
Angus Macfadyen
Joanna Going
Rosalyn Willoughby
Toby Huss
Paolo Seganti
Tomas De Leon
Ann Magnuson
Wendy Benson-Landes
Lou Rawls
The Tree Man
Celeste Holm
Chao Li Chi
Formosa Bartender
Junior Brown
Travis Osberger, the Wrong Texan
Liz Mamana
Slightly Elegant Girl
Katie Hagan
Little Girl in Dream
A.J. Mallett
Little Boy in Dream
Bill Gundry
Man with Painting
Margaret Bush
Dress Shop Sales Woman
Janet Graham

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