Animation Drama
The film adapts and expands the Planetarian visual novel by Key. The story is set in a dystopian future where biological and nuclear warfare has left a once prosperous civilization in complete ruin. The film tells the story of an old man travelling around with a mobile planetarium projector to show people the stars.
Directed by
Shunsuke Machitani, Naokatsu Tsuda, Katsuichi Nakayama
Daisuke Ono
The Junker (voice)
Shizuka Ishigami
Isaiah (voice)
Rina Sato
Satomi Kurahashi (voice)
Sanae Fuku
Levi (voice)
Minami Tsuda
Ruth (voice)
Masaru Shinozuka
Older Junker (voice)
Yoko Hikasa
Job (voice)
Yuuki Kuwahara
Jeremiah (voice)
Tamio Ohki
The Man of the Stars (voice)
Yasumichi Kushida
Gorō Mikajima (voice)
Satoshi Taki
Manager (voice)
Keiko Suzuki
Yumemi Hoshino (voice)
Akiko Takeguchi
Ezra (voice)

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