Comedy Fantasy Drama Music
Katsu (Mitsuko Baisho) is a 73-years-old woman. She often makes trouble with her biting remarks. While raising a daughter alone, Katsu was unable to live the life she wished for. One day, Katsu goes to a photo studio and takes a picture. She leaves the photo studio, but finds that she is now 20-years-old (Mikako Tabe) again. Katsu changes out of her grandmother clothes, picks out a more youthful style and names herself Setsuko Otori. Later, Katsu decides to take part in a singing contest held in a shopping district. Her singing fascinates the audience and she wins the contest. Katsu begins to move closer to her past dream of becoming a singer.
Directed by
Nobuo Mizuta
Written by
Tomoko Yoshizawa
Takumi Kitamura
Tsubasa Seyama
Mitsuko Baisho
Katsu Seyama
Satomi Kobayashi
Yukie Seyama
Mikako Tabe
Setsuko Otori
Yoichi Nukumizu
Photo Studio Owner
Kentaro Tamura
Kotaro Shiga
Jirou Nakata
Jun Kaname
Takuto Kobayashi
Eriko Mikamo
Maiko Nakata
Katsuko Kanai
Midori Aihara
Anna Koshino

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